Tue Aug 22, 7:00 PM at the Cortland Beer Company.
Have a beer and browse books.
There will be science, nature, and environmental book exchange. Bring books that may be of interest to others and browse for books you might enjoy. (Leave the textbooks at home unless they are classics or less than 5 years since publication.) Local authors Tim Baroni and Charles Yaple will be selling and signing their books. Cash or checks only - more information to come.
Remember, books are meant to be read, get them off your shelves and into someone else’s hands!
Tim Baroni will be signing and selling his new book “Mushrooms of the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada”. And a founding father of Lime Hollow, Charles Yaple, will be signing his book “Foxy Brown” and his new book “Jacob's Land”.
You can pick up these books and hopefully many more at the next Science and Suds. Bring books to exchange and browse books from other Science and Suds followers bookshelves.