Wow.... what a busy week
- Monday we planted a Serviceberry tree in the Montgomery Park Main Street entrance with the help of the Dryden Village DPW and the Beautification Brigade.
- Wednesday afternoon club members, with a lot of help from the Dryden Village DPW, assembled and installed a bench Montgomery Park Main Street entrance.

- Wednesday evening had our open house at the Dryden Café with 99% attendance of club members! Our guest speaker was Rotary District 7170 District Governor Zoe V. who was introduced by Assistance Governor Gina S. Our District Membership Chair Matt A. also spoke to our members and the and 12 community members who came to learn about Rotary and our club.
- Thursday morning we welcomed Corrine Carey of 'Compassion and Choices' who spoke about death with dignity and the 'Medical Aid in Dying' law which is currently working its way thru the NY legislature.
HAPPY DOLLARS - many were happy about the weather and their upcoming week end guests.