The Dryden Rotary Club & Acme Mystery Co.
Hereby invite you to join them for the
Annual Dryden Rotary Mystery Dinner Theater
“DEAD SILENT: Florence of Moravia”
March 29, 2025 - 6:00PM
It’s 1927 and local radio personality Nevelle Haspin invites you to the broadcast of a gala reception for silent film diva Lorraine Bowes. Be careful. These celebrities autograph with poisoned pens.
Dinner from the 1920’s: Roast Beef with gravy, Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Macaroni and Cheese,
Three-Bean Baked Beans,Buttery Carrots, Tossed Salad (Provided by CP Cash and Carry),
Rolls (Provided byTexas Roadhouse), Dessert, Coffee, Tea & Soda

Tickets $55.00
Dryden Veteran’s Memorial Home 
2272 Dryden Rd, Dryden NY 13053
Join us for “Food, Fun, and … Mystery!